Managed Cloud Services

Azure and AWS

What is the cloud? It is a Platform-as-a-Service which allows companies to setup IT resources within minutes. Before cloud computing procuring servers would take weeks or months and were very expensive to setup and install. Using Azure or Amazon Web Services clients are billed per hour and only for resources that are used. This allows business of all sizes to leverage unlimited resources managed by our team.

Hybrid & Cloud Migrations

Are you looking to move resources to the cloud for long term back up strategies or save money? Our team works closely with our customers to plan and execute migration strategies quickly and seamlessly.

Business Essentials

Starting a new business or setting up an online presence? 84% of today’s consumers think a website makes your business more credible. Our team specializes in getting business essentials up and running including custom domains, websites, mailboxes and more. Partner with us to get your business online!